There’s science in everything, how things are formed, why do things happen the way they do, what is the reason behind the occurrence of any phenomenon, etc. It has the answer to all your why’s and how’s? The presence of science in everything has made it crucial for everyone to read it.
And especially for kids who are always curious about everything, it is important to know the basics of science. Kids science books not only make them learn the fundamentals of everything but also contains various fun facts and learning activities to make it more interesting.
Why plants are green? Why does the earth rotate around the sun? How many bones do humans have? What is a food chain? How tires have stripes? Your kid will get every answer to the question from his curious mind here. The books that we are going to mention here designed for little kids who according to their understanding can understand these basic concepts.
The target age of these kids’ science books is from 3 to 9+ years. Each book is formed with vibrant illustrations to make it attractive for the kids and making the process of learning fun.
Here we are presenting the best 14 science experiment books for kids recommended by teachers and parents:
1. Audrey, the Amazing Inventor
Author Name: Rachel Valentine
Publishing Year: 2018

Audrey, the Amazing Inventor is designed for children of 3+ age. The book features a little girl named Audrey who is as curious about science as your little one. Through colorful illustrations, the author has depicted how this little girl tries experimenting but somehow manage to fail most of the time.
But her spirit is not so easy to kill. She remains motivated and doesn’t give up because she knows someday something special is going to happen. And her journey continues. The awesome picture book about science is a great chance for your kid to learn while having fun.
2. Living Things and Their Habitats Collection
Author Name: Ruth Owen
Publishing Year: 2013

Living Things and Their Habitats Collection is a collection of six books concerning the study of living organisms. The books are designed for children of 5+ age. These books will introduce your kid to the biology of the animal kingdom and cover a variety of topics ranging from the types of animals to their habitats.
Living Things and Their Habitats collection focuses on various mammals, insects, birds, etc and teach the kids the basic anatomy of their body plus the fundamental things about them like what do they feed on, where they live, how they get their food, etc.
3. 365 Science Activities
Author Name: Minna Lacey
Publishing Year: 2014

365 Science Activities provides great learning opportunities for the kids while having fun. It contains various cool science activities through with your children can learn a lot. The hands-on book, let the readers explore the world of science by experimenting or performing different science activities.
There are a total of 365 fun science activities in this book that means you can try one every day for a whole year. And at the end of each activity, you will get surprising results. All of these activities and experiments are harmless and are designed for kids of age 5+ years.
4. First Encyclopedia of Science
Author Name: Rachel Firth
Publishing Year: 2002

First Encyclopedia of Science is a ‘know-it-all’ book for the kids in which all the major topics are covered. Suitable for the kids of 5+ age, this encyclopedia of science is your guide to knowing every question concerned with science that is popped in your head.
The comprehensive compendium will help you find out the answers to the question related to your daily life and shows us the science behind it. With the help of this book, your kids will discover all sorts of fun science facts that are illustrated in the book in a fascinating manner, interactive text, and colorful pictures.
Along with this, you also get different science activities that you can perform at home and websites recommendations for online learning.
5. Robert Winston: Science Experiment
Author Name: Robert Winston
Publishing Year: 2011

Robert Winston, the renowned professor of science will walk you through different exciting and simple science experiments that you can try at the comfort of your home. The experiments are safe and harmless and are suitable for children age 7+ years. The book will show you that how much fun you can have while doing science.
The variety of experiments include learning how to make the water turn pink, or how to make a metal detector, how can you make a balloon rocket to making jelly that glows in the dark, this book has it all. It will set forth the basic step for all future scientists and will make them love science forever.
6. Destination: Space
Author Name: Christopher Englert
Publishing Year: 2016

As a kid, we all have wondered about outer space and fantasized about being an astronaut to be able to explore the space. Well, this book may not make you an astronaut but will certainly give you the feel. The amazing book concerning the outer space is for all those aspiring space-explorers who see themselves winning the astronaut suit one day.
The captivating book will take you to the journey of your solar system. In the galaxies far away you will see all the planets, stars, comets and whatnot. Destination: Space will let you discover the science behind these and you will also get introduced to the detailed history of the universe.
7. The Way Things Work
Author Name: David Macaulay
Publishing Year: 1988

The Way Things Work is your comprehensive guide to knowing the mechanics of all the things that you see around you. From gadgets to machines or the tools that you see in your every-day life are discussed here thoroughly. The insightful book will explain the science of everything to you and will wake the inner engineer in you.
From learning the mechanics of the simplest things such as a screwdriver to explaining the most complicated things like a microchip processor, this book is your complete guide to learning mechanics.
Apart from this, it also covers the working mechanisms of other things like computers, internet, jet engines, watches, clocks, etc with the help of interactive illustrations and uses a clever approach in explaining complex processes.
8. This Is Not a Science Book
Author Name: Clive Gifford
Publishing Year: 2016

This Is Not a Science Book is actually, *spoiler alert* a science books. But don’t tell the kids about it because they will probably don’t know that they are learning science while reading this book. The fun-filled books contain all sorts of activities through which the kids could learn a lot. The encouraging book is about making the kids learn when they think they are having fun.
Clive Gifford has used a pretty clever approach to encourage kids to do several activities that are concerned with science. It not only fills the children’s mind with scientific facts and concepts but also introduces some fun sections where they can find optical illusions, mapping of bones, space to draw and color, and whatnot.
9. A Beginner’s Guide to the Periodic Table
Author Name: Gill Arbuthnott
Publishing Year: 2014

Periodic Table, no doubt is a crucial part of science, and learning it is quite difficult anyone would agree. But actually, with this book, even the most complicated things will seem simple because of the unique approach implied. The beginner’s guide that is formed especially for the children aged 9+ years will aid your kids in the struggle that they are facing while trying to remember the periodic table.
The bright and fun book will walk you through 92 elements of chemistry and will tell you some interesting facts and stories behind it so that you can remember them easily.
10. What Makes Your Body Work?
Author Name: Gill Arbuthnott
Publishing Year: 2015

We all must have wondered about the anatomy of our body and also how things work like all the processes including respiration, digestion, information processing in the brain, and all that. Well, this book is the answer to all the curiosities that pop-up in your mind related to the human body. With the help of this detailed book filled with color pictures of different diagrams, you will get to explore the amazing human body.
It also shows us a different mapping of our body and the passages used for a different process, for example, the digestion process, sensation, etc. From your head to your toe, the book is filled with fun facts, interesting information, colorful illustrations, and whatnot.
The book is suitable for children of 9+ age and apart from just reading it you can also carry out the experiments by yourself with the help of a taste map of the tongue and finding where the pulse is, etc.
11. Women in Science
Author Name: Rachel Ignotofsky
Publishing Year: 2016

Well, we all must admit that women scientist played a crucial role in various discoveries and advancements in the field of science but their contribution is often left unacknowledged but with this book, from a very young age, you can teach your kids about the great women scientists who changed the world with their brilliance and intelligence.
Designed for the kids aged 5 to 7 years this book contains the contribution made by the 50 fearless pioneers who changed the world. The book especially concerns the STEM field of science that means Science, Technology, engineering, and mathematics.
From history to today, the crucial involvement of women in the scientific field is celebrated in the detailed book and as we know it is important to mold the kids since a young age, the book will help you in making them understand that women are an equally important part of this field.
12. Science Lab
Author Name: Robert Winston
Publishing Year: 2019

Science Lab is a book that will make every one of you feel like scientists. It is a very useful tool that will help your kids in building and experimenting with different types of equipment by following the instructions. The basic tools available in the book concerns STEM, that is, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.
The detailed guide in this book is to instruct you step-by-step in making your scientific products. The brilliant idea of creating this book is to help your kids wake the inner scientists in them.
The book will aid you in executing super-cool experiments like wind turbines, bridges, wind-up cars, etc.
Learning and having fun is one of the best combinations to ever exist. And you can use it to your benefit to make your kids gain knowledge of science. Science indeed is an essential study that kids should learn about from a young age. Knowing the basics of how things work and why every this is the way it is, is crucial to learn about the world we live in.
The books mentioned above will not only help you in making the kids learn about this subject but will also give them something to keep them busy as well. And the best part about this is, all along they will think that they are just having fun. I mean isn’t that great?
Let us know in the comment section how you liked this article and also tell us which of these books you are going to buy for your kids. Your suggestions and questions are also welcomed in the comment section below.