Puns have gained a lot of popularity because of their witty nature. Some of them make us laugh, some of them make us cry and others make us cringe. An interesting fact about puns is that not just they give you a good laugh and an eye roll but they are also good as reading materials.
The best pun books are read by the people of all age groups and they are equally enjoyable for everyone. Not just the puns test our intelligence but they also make us witty because of their very nature. The pun books that are available in the market are worth your buy because not only they provide you with entertainment but they also give you the content that you can show off in your circle and become the pun-master of your group.
There are various best books of puns that you will find online or in your local market but the real task is selecting which book to buy. Well, for your convenience we have created a whole list of books of puns that are considered to be the best in the genre.
These books are selected on the basis of their popularity and user experience. So have some fun with these books and get to know some puns.
1. The Best Book of Puns

The best book of puns is written by Art Moger and it was published in the year 1988. The Best Book of Puns is your ultimate source of all the puns that you are going to need. As Oscar Levant has once said many years ago, “A pun is the lowest form of wit, especially if you didn’t think of it first “, the book will provide you with numerous witty and humorous puns that you will have a good laugh with.
The book also features a PUNDix, PUNabridge dictionary and also the best kind of jokes and the worst kind of jokes. An example from the book is given below:
A monastery in financial trouble decided to go into the fish-and-chips industry to raise revenues. One night a customer knocked on the door and a monk answered. “Are you the fish friar?” the customer asked. “No,” the robed figure replied, “I’m the chip monk.”
2. The Pun Also Rises

The Pun Also Rises: How the Humble Pun Revolutionized Language, Changed History and Made Wordplay More Than Some Antics is written by the Pun World Champion John Pollock who was also the presidential speechwriter for Bill Clinton. The book was published in the year 2011.
With the help of this book, the author has tried to explain why pun matters and why it is so important to keep them alive in the modern world. John Pollock will let you explore the whole world of puns with his book and will also introduce you to the history and revolution that happened in the world of puns.
3. The Complete pun book

The complete pun book is another book on the list written by Art Moger. The book is all about puns and will get you introduced to some of the most humorous pun collections that you will ever read. The witty book has its own charm and will give you a good laugh upon reading this.
The book was published in the year 1979 and features the extensive collection of puns that are appropriate for all age groups.
4. Have a little Pun

Have a little pun: An Illustrated Play on words is written by Frida Clements. The artist has brilliantly combined the illustrations of flora and fauna with funny puns that will definitely tickle your funny bones. With each page this will get better and better.
The humorous elements in these books using the animals has caught the attention of many readers and pun lovers. So next time when you want to brag in front of your friends refer to this book for getting some exclusive animal inspired puns.
The book contains puns like, Honey, bee yourself! Gopher it. Don’t be koi. Like puns? That’s coo, says the pigeon. Hate puns? Birch, please.
5. It’s a Punderful Life

You must have heard of It’s a wonderful life, but now we present you, It’s a punderful life that adds the pun element to your life. The pun book is written by Gemma Correll and it was published in the year 2014.
It’s a punderful life is one of the best collections of books you will find online. The author responsible for this book is also famous for Monday Punday, the online series of puns. The creativity of the puns illustrated in the book are very impressive and that’s what makes it a great book not just to kids but for people of all age groups.
This book will offer you over 50 puns to make you giggle.
6. Does the name Pavlov Ring a Bell? 879 Hilarious Puns to test your wit

The extensive collection of puns, with over eight hundred wordplay will have you in stitches every time you read it. The book, Does the name Pavlov ring a bell is written by Gary Blake and it was published in the year 2018.
The book is famous for its witty humor in various quips and pun filled anecdotes. You will find all sorts of puns in this book, from classics to new inventions and with each page, the book keeps getting better and better.
7. Born to Pun

Born to pun is another great pun book in the list which is written by Gordon Hideaki Nagal. The book offers an extensive collection of puns which serve as your daily dose of laughter and fun. Apart from puns you will also find jokes, and punchlines in the book that will tickle your funny bone.
Born to Pun was published in the year 2018 and since then it has been on every favourite pun book list. Funny wordplay, punchlines and quips, Born to pun has it all. The massive joke book is your ultimate source to make everyday punny.
8. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margarita: More Cocktails with a literary twist

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margarita is written by Tim Federle. The book is the world’s best selling cocktail book consisting of various jokes, puns, humorous punchlines that are best for all the class clowns, dad jokes, and for bragging in front of your friends.
The brilliant book with witty word plays is known for its clever jokes that will make you laugh, cry and cringe all at once. So whenever you are finding some material to read that will make you giggle, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margarita is your calling.
9. Let the Pun Shine: Fun Puns to Brighten Your Day

Next on the list we have, Let the Pun Shine: Fun Puns to Brighten Your Day which is written by Two Zirinis. The book was published in the year 2019. With over 50 great puns the book is a worth addition in your punny collection of books.
As the name suggests, the book will definitely brighten your day with the Rofl worthy word plays. It’s the thing about pun, when they are great they will give you a good laugh and when they are bad, it will only make you laugh louder but with a little pinch of cringe.
The author Teo Zirinis has wonderfully added the puns showcasing his witty talent and awesome sense of humor.
10. The Little Pun Book

The Little Pun book with all the fun is designed especially for the children to enhance their wit and humor. Written by Robert Morgulin, the book was originally published in the year 1960. It has been published again with the same name recently. Since a very long amount of time the book is continuing to entertain people and give them the ultimate dose of laughter.
The clever puns given in the book could be sometimes hard to get, it will give a good stretch to your brain but overall you’ll end up having fun with it.
The book that once entertained people in 1960 is now again a sensation among people as a classic.
11. Pun for Kids: Book of Puns for Lots of Pun

Pun for Kids: Book of Puns with Lots of Pun is another book on the list of best pun books. It is designed especially for the children and with their level of understanding but that doesn’t mean the adults won’t have fun reading it. It stores fun for people of all ages.
The book is written by Becci Lakeman. With loads of one liners and two liners the puns in this book are punstoppable. The great thing about jokes given in this book is that you can read them again and again and still won’t have enough of it.
12. The Old Pun University Book of Uncommon Knowledge

And now last but not the least, we introduce you, The Old Pun University Book of Uncommon language. The witty book with an extensive collection of puns is created in order to test the intelligence of the readers who will have hard but definitely a great time getting them.
With each turn in the page, the readers will get more and more amused with the book. The old pun University Book of Uncommon language offers you witty, humorous and absurd jokes that will definitely give you a good laugh. Other than serving as a good reading material the book will also challenge your intelligence meanwhile enhancing it for the better.
So these were some of the greatest pun books ever written by various authors. Each book is different from the other but all of them will provide you with a laughing material to tickle your funny bone. Whether you are bored on a journey or looking for some giggle, these books are your go-to for all sorts of entertainment.
The clever wordplays in these books will not only serve as a humorous quip but will also test your intelligence. Suitable for people of all age groups, the fun is unstoppable in these great pun books. So should I say, the pun is punstoppable?….
Well, the puns in these books are definitely better than the one I tried to pull here. So next time you need to brag in front of your friends and give them a good laugh refer to these books for endless fun.
If you happen to know any great puns or pun books do let us know in the comment section below, also if you have any questions or feedback regarding this article we will be happy to help you.