Best 10 Books Of Alice Hoffman

Alice Hoffman is a revolutionary author with a brilliant mind and some great works. One of her books was even used by a Warner Bros movie that starred Sandra Bullock but that wasn’t her only book to be cinematized. She is a prolific novelist who has written around 23 novels and has always excited her readers quite too much.

She is one of the greatest authors to ever walk on the planet and definitely a gem to her field. She writes about love, betrayal, marriage, friendship and other such deep topics and all of her works turn out to be extremely marvelous. Her writing style is quite powerful and will grab the attention of any reader from cover to cover. A lot of her novels are a benchmark to measure the best possible work to be read.

10 Awesome Alice Hoffman Books

#1. The Marriage of Opposites

The Marriage of Opposites:  Alice Hoffman Books

This is a great book for you if you are a fan of historical fiction and is included under one of the best works of Alice Hoffman. It revolves around a girl named Rachel Pizzaro who dreams to live in Paris but it isn’t something that she may get in her life.

The book is set up in the early nineteenth century and paints a great picture of the era. After the death of Rachel’s much older husband, his nephew arrives who has great looks and eventually a passionate love affair starts between Rachel and the nephew. Through their relationship, a lot of controversies are born along with a son who is destined to become one of the greatest artists of his time.

#2. The Dovekeepers

The Dovekeepers

This is another book based on historical fiction and dates back to nearly 20 centuries. It is set in the time when the Roman army had over 900 Jews held out against them on the Masada Mountain in the Judean desert. The historians that have studied that time have recorded that only a few people made through that alive.

This book tells the story of four brave women who came to Masada through different paths and have their own secrets to tend to. It shows how they stay here and manage their lives in the most normal way possible while keeping their secrets safe. And even though all four of them are ordinary but their strengths are soon exhibited in the least ordinary way possible.

#3. The World That We Knew

The World That We Knew

This book is set in the times of the Second World War but the way that the author introduces magical realism to this book is marvelous. It discusses how the chokehold of Nazis was growing tighter on Europe each day during those times and everything was quite grim. The book revolves around a Jewish woman named Hanni Kohn who lived in Berlin and realized that she will have to send her daughter away to save her life.

Her daughter’s name is Lea and she is 12 years old. She looks for the help of a well-known rabbi who had a wise daughter. Her name was Ettie and she conjures a Jewish mystical creature using clay and water to look after Lea. Now the story goes on to show the reader how the three of their lives start to intertwine.

#4. The Drowning Season

The Drowning Season

This is Hoffman’s second novel that she has ever written yet her writing style is pretty much set in it. And the storyline would definitely seem pretty different than most books these days. The book revolves around a witch who is aging and finds love while wrestling through her personal life.

She has a lively granddaughter, a suicidal son, and other peculiar family members. The way each of the characters is defined along with their analysis and personal issues is great and the author’s admirable writing should be noted with due appreciation.

#5. Fortune’s Daughter

Fortune’s Daughter

Another book that concentrates on magical realism and historical fiction. It discusses the stories of two women together, who are both heartbroken. One of them is a jaded Fortune teller who has lost her own child and a single mother who is pregnant.

It combines their stories as they try to figure out their future by reaching into their past. The way the storyline proceeds is bound to have enchanting effects on the readers as they won’t be able to let go of this literary masterpiece.

#6. Illumination Night

Illumination Night

This book revolves around a woman named Elizabeth Renny who is 70 years old and wishes to fly. So she makes an attempt of flying from her window which goes terribly wrong and sets in a chain of events that will unexpectedly and irreversibly change the lives of everyone around her. It basically discusses our most simple dreams, triumphs, tragedies and disappointments in a way that seems relatable to the characters of the book.

#7. At Risk

At Risk

The author is whimsically inventive but she still manages to touch through difficult subjects that are hard to be discussed. She tries to convert a controversial topic into an insightful book which is what makes it the best.

The book talks about a little girl who is 11 years old and is suffering from AIDS. And there was a certain prejudice amongst people for this particular disease at the time this book was released due to their own misconceptions. The author does a noble work by providing a way for readers to find it interesting in educating themselves about this issue and show some empathy towards the people suffering from it.

#8. The Foretelling

The Foretelling

This book revolves around a girl named Rain, who must rule the Amazons when she comes of age. But her major desire isn’t the crown and instead of the love of her mother which is something she never got throughout her life. And she never knows how drastically things might turn as even the last chance of getting her affection is destroyed when her mother dies during a violent battle.

The way the book proceeds may make you remember the wonder woman as she was an amazon too which makes the experience much exciting. The best thing to consider about this book is the portrayal of Rain’s character and how she manages the responsibility to look after her royal subjects as well as herself.

#9. The Rules of Magic

The Rules of Magic

This book is obviously another magical realism book as evident by its title. It marks her attempt at the reentry into the world of Practical Magic. The characters in this book will be easily recognizable as the witch aunts of Gillian and Sally, who are Franny and Jet, respectively.

They are a bit younger over here which is why there might be a little confusion amongst the readers. It shows the time when the girls realize their powers initially and were in search of love to break through the Owens curse. It is quite evidently a prequel to its previous book and would most likely be a great book to read on.

#10. Seventh Heaven

Seventh Heaven

This book tries to impart a great and inspirational message to society and makes certain admirable points. It is one of those stories that revolve around the coming-of-age experience of an individual. It even talks about how society can change and increase in maturity.

It revolves around the story of Nora Silk, who has recently been divorced and an outcast. It tells her story after she moves to a new suburban home and has some experiences while settling in. the storyline has a hint of supernatural elements which makes the book even more interesting.

I hope I was able to provide you with a great list of books written by the brilliant author Alice Hoffman. These books are my personal recommendations and I think they’ll be interesting to a lot of people out there. If the content was helpful, please leave a like on the post or drop a comment below.

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